Tired Of Paying Too Much For Stock Photos?
Get Annual Access To Our
Premium Stock Photo Library
For Just Pennies A Day!
Premium Stock Photos Now Has Over 10,000 Unique Photos With More Being Added Every Month!
But You’ve Got To Grab This Deal Quick, This Price is Subject To Change At Any Time!
Premium Stock Photos Outshines The Competition!
Here’s some samples of the high-impact images You’ll find inside Premium Stock Photos…

New PLR Category
We have just added a new PLR category to Premium Stock Photos.
These are Creative Commons Photos that are royalty free and I
have picked from “plr offerings” and “public domain. These are not
photos that I have taken, but safe for you to use. I wanted to make
sure you have our unique photos and plr all in one easy place to access.
We will always be updating and adding hundreds of photos monthly here.
“The qualitiy I find at Premium Stock Photos is second-to-none. Ed Mercer manages to photograph all sorts of compelling imagery that engages the viewer and lends an elegant, professional flair to any site wise enough to use them. Highly recommended!”
Why Risk A Law Suit When You Can Get Stock Photos This Inexpensively?
Dear Marketer,
I was shocked.
A friend of mine did something marketers do every day, without a second thought.
He got a photo off of Flickr.com that he thought was perfectly safe to use. But it wasn’t. Someone had uploaded a
copyrighted pic they didn’t have rights to use. As the end user, he got a nasty letter from Getty Images. They
didn’t care if he was the one who had uploaded the image or not. He had used an image without permission.
And I don’t think I have to tell you how it turned out. That “free” photo ended up costing him a lot. Others have been nailed as much as 4-figures for accidentally violating image copyrights.
We don’t want that to happen to you…
My name is Ed Mercer and I am a professional photographer and I have my own stock photo site and a special offer for you.
I am opening up yearly access to my personal stock photo site for a low annual price for a limited time. All the photos
on the site are my own and have been photographed by me, so there is never any worries that you will get nailed for
copyright infringement when you purchase membership to Premium Stock Photos.
So not only can you relax knowing you won’t be risking a lawsuit from using images you may not have the rights to,
you’re also going to save a ton of money today.
Most big stock photo sites make you purchase images with credits. Nine-times-out-of-ten, you end up wasting money
by never being able to use all the credits you purchase. Tha game has been rigged–they make you buy blocks of credits
knowing full well they’ll force you to buy more than you need at the time to purchase just one or two images.
And don’t get me going about “extended rights licenses” That’s another game most stock photo sites play. The big guys
force you to purchase extended rights licenses to use their images in commercial projects–and these can easily
cost upwards of $50. Even over $100.
And more likely thats exactly why you’re purchasing a stock photo–because you want to use it to help promote
your products and services.
But we want to offer you a refreshing change from the big guy games. Unlimited stock photo downloads; no extended
rights licenses; no hassles with credits–just great stock photos for an unbelievable price!
Here’s Another Taste of the Awesome Images You’ll Find Inside
Premium Stock Photos…

Premium Stock Photos Just Make Sense!
Why Pay More for Great Photos?
Drive Pinterest Traffic
More people buy from
Pinterest than any other
network. Use these pics
to drive traffic to your
Friendly Licensing Terms
Unlike the “Big Guys” you
can download and use the
images as many times as
you want.
Images For Wherever Your
Imagination Take You
Use these images in your
blog posts, product pages,
videos, social media
postings, and more…
So Inexpensive Compared
To Our Competitors
It’s common to pay $10 or
more for a single image from
most stock sites. But you get
access to over 10,000 photos
in our growing collection for
a annual payment of $27
Exclusive Images for Less!
Our images are all organized into categories for your convenience. Why spend hours scouring the web for just
the perfect image for your project? Save money, time, & energy with Premium Stock Photos! Here’s a tiny taste
of the categories you’ll find inside Premium Stock Photos:

The Possibilities for Using These Images Are Almost
Endless…Just Imagine What You Could Do With These
Exclusive Stock Images
Perfect For Niche Sites
Create Eye-Catching Ads

With over 10,000+ photos to choose from, and more
added monthly, you’re sure to find highly
appealing images for your niche sites.
Images like these really “pop” in your Facebook
newsfeed. Eye-catching images are crucial to get
FB users to click on your ads. Get an almost-unlimited
source of engaging images for your ads
Images for Local Biz Consultants
A Virtual Smorgasbord of Arresting
Images for Social Media

Images like these are perfect for local business
consultants to use on their clients’sites…and there’s
absolutely no restrictions, or special licensing
requirements to use these photo’s for any
of your marketing needs.
Why settle for the ordinary, when you can have
extraordinary images for so little, with such
friendly terms-of-use, and a price that is
tough to beat.
Here’s Why You Need Premium Stock Photos…

Why Mess With Credits
Most stock photo sites make you purchase credits. And 9 times out of 10, you’re forced to buy more credits than you need… but never enough to buy ore than one image. It’s like throwing money away. Not to mention, most of the time, you end up paying the equivalent of $10 or more for a single image!
But when you pay your annual fee of $27 you never have to worry about how many images you can download or having to pay again, pay once and the images are yours to use forever. This is a no-brainer!
Stand Out From the Crowd-These
Images Are Fresh
Because we at Premium Stock Photo are “The Little Guys,” our images haven’t been in wide circulation. You won’t find them plastered all over the internet like you will images from huge corporate photo sites.
And with new images constantly being added, the library at Premium Stock Photos continues to grow. All images are conveniently place in categories so you can find the perfect images for your projects with ease.

All Photos Are Royalty-Free
Relax. Premium Stock Photos are royalty-free. Use the photos as many time as you like for book covers, Facebook ads, blog posts, flyers and brochures, sales material, social media posts and more…all royalty-free.
And we have only one license to worry about with our pics. Enjoy using them anyway you like without needing extended licenses. We just ask that you don’t resell them as is, list yourself as the photographer, or use them on adult sites.
Why Do These Respected Marketers Choose
Premium Stock Photos?
“One less thing to worry about! Premium STock Photos solves a major headache for me. Having experienced issues with picture rights in the past, Premium Stock Photos is a nice addition to my tool box. Because Ed creates his own high resolution images, I never have to worry about, “Hey, that’s my picture you owe me $$$$.” His images are gorgeous and there’s a plethora to choose from. He updates the content monthly, and his images are second-to-none.!”
“I love Premium Stock Photos as it provides me with high quality, gorgeous images to use in so many ways… I love grabbing Premium Stock Photos as they provide beautiful backgrounds for inspiring quotes that I post on Pinterest and Facebook, many of which I get lot of shares… It’s great to use Premium Stock Photos and not have to worrry about any copyright issues since you can use the pictures any way you want. Ed uploads hundreds of pictures monthly, so there’s always fresh pictures to use. If you need pictures (and who doesn’t) Premium Stock Photos is the PERFECT place to get them.”
“The Photos are beautiful, professional and have great resolution–easily adaptable to many uses. This is not some “impersonal company” -Ed goes above and beyond-even assisting me when I had trouble with some photo editing software. Most of all, I love the peace of mind, knowing I don’t have to worry about accidental copyright infringement or huge fines. Without a doubt, joining Premium Stock Photos has been one of my best marketing decisions. I used to dread the struggle to locate pictures for my Facebook pages, blog, marketing pieces, and so on. Now I just go to Premium Stock Photos first.”
That’s Cool… But What Else Can You Do With
Premium Stock Photos?
From Kindle authors, bloggers, product creators, social media marketers,video marketers,
and offline consultants, Premium Stock Photos has something for everyone…
Into Video Marketing?
You need quality images
without worrying about
copyright infringement, or
paying royalties. Not to
mention, images are
expensive. But for a
measly 7 cents per day,
you can download as many
images as you need from
Premium Stock Photos
Social Media Marketing?
Use the high resolution
images you’ll find inside
Premium Stock Photos to
create gorgeous timeline
covers, image posts and
ads. With over 10,000+
(and growing) images to
choose from, you’ll have
a wealth of images at
your fingertips.
Kindle or E-Book Author?
You need high-quality
images for your book
covers & illustrations.
If you purchase from
“the Big Guys” you’ll
be forced into buying
an extended-use license
or have to pay royalties.
You pay once annually at
Premium Stock Photos
Blogger/Product Creator?
Bloggers and product
creators need high
resolution images. Blog
posts with images and
video perform better
than text based posts
giving your readers
visual relief.
Copyright and
Royalty Free
This is a Limited Time Offer!
Look. We don’t care if you use our photos on your own sites or your clients’ sites. You can modify
them anyway you like. Use them as background pics for social media memes, or inspirational
quotes. Use them in your offline or online marketing campaigns. Upload them to your blog. Use
them in e-books and in your reports. Create a squeeze page background with the images.
Or do all of it. With over 10,000+ images (and more added all the time) to choose from, you’ll come up
with endless ways to use the images from Premium Stock Photos for countless projects
It’s not uncommon to pay $10 a pop for a photo at major stock photo sites. You’d pay just as much as
we’re asking today for 10 photos from the Big Guys as we’re asking for lifetime access to our photos.
You won’t pay a penny more when you take us up on this offer.Pay once annually and relax knowing you
have your image needs covered from now on. And there’s no credits or hidden extended licenses
to worry about with us ever.
If you like paying through the nose for stock photos, then you’re welcome to do so. Be our guests.
But if you want an amazing value—then act RIGHT NOW and grab Premium Stock Photos before it’s
too late. I am testing a new version of this software that will limit the number of downloads you
can access in a month…it is in beta. This is the last time this offer will be available for
unlimited downloads.
But it is planned for the first quarter of next year, so take advantage of this offer now!
Get unlimited access to unlimited downloads, at any time for a one time fee. Don’t regret passing
this offer by, and losing out on saving hundreds, even thousands on stock photos.
This offer is subject to close at any time! Click the
button below to avoid disappointment.
Why Delay? You Won’t See an
Offer Even Close to this Good
Anywhere Else!

We know you’ll love having yearly access to Premium Stock
Photos anytime you want. Create an account, sign in and
start downloading images immediately.
There’s no daily or weekly limit to how many images you can
download and you can use them on your own or your clients
sites, you have all kinds of freedom and flexibility.
But we can’t afford to keep this offer with its supreme value
open for long… we must close this offer for good soon.
Purchase now to avoid disappointment! Click on the button
below for instant access.
Frequently Asked Questions & Answers
So Let Me Get This Straight – I pay Once and Have
Access to premium Stock Photos for a one time fee?
That’s right. Pay $27 today, and you’ll have access to all
of Ed’s stock photos for 1 year. There’s no tricks, no
gimmicks, no upsells. One single payment of $27 and
you have access to all these and future photos.
Is there any limit as to the number of photos
I can download?
Nope, you can download as many photos as
you want, from any category. You’ll never be
charged a penny more than you’ll pay today
for Premium Stock Photos.
Are there ANY restrictions to using these photos?
There are only 3 limitations on the photos:
You can’t claim you’re the photographer of these photos
These photos cannot be sold or given away as is
The photos cannot be used on adult sites
Is there a refund period?
Sorry, we are not offering refunds
on this product. Because purchasers
can download an unlimited number
of images. Since these photos are
digital products, we cannot
recover them.